Create Feature - Additional Details

On the Additional Details screen of the newly created Feature, provide the following information under the various tabs:

Note: You can provide the information and click Save or click Skip for now and provide it at a later stage.

Overview Phases The phases added to the feature.
Name and Description

Name and description of the feature.


The priority set for the feature from the following options:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
Milestones Set the dates for the predefined milestones or add any additional milestones.
  • Code Complete
  • Test Complete
  • Deploy
Team Provide the names of the owner and team members.

Each feature must have one owner.

You can add one or more teams as well as individual members to the feature.

Custom Fields Custom Fields Add any additional attributes that you may want to use for the feature. A tag to group together multiple features related to a specific functionality of the product, for example - Billing or Logistics.
Others Customers The specific group of customers that this feature caters to.
Tags Add any additional keywords that you want to add to organize the products in a better way.
Value (in million USD)

Set the approximate value of the feature in million US dollars.

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